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THE BYLAWS OF THE FOX CITIES OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION (FCOA INC.) The Constitution of the Fox Cities Officials’ Association (FCOA INC.) is hereby established in order to advance a high standard of athletic competition; develop and maintain the highest ideals of sportsmanship, stimulate and promote an intelligent interest in athletics; encourage uniform interpretations of the rules; improve the techniques of officiating; and aid conference commissioners, athletic directors, and coaches in securing officials for interscholastic athletic events. ARTICLE I - MEMBERS AND MEMBERSHIP Section 1 Election to Membership (a) An applicant must be a registered Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) or a similar interscholastic sports organization official. Applicants will submit in writing his/her interest in joining the Fox Cities Officials Association, Inc. (FCOA) (b) After paying appropriate dues, applicant will be added to the membership of the FCOA and added to the FCOA website. (c) Membership year will be from July 1st of each year to June 30th of the succeeding year. Section 2 Types of Membership (a) Active members of the Association shall be those who remain in good standing and are fully approved by the WIAA or similar interscholastic sports organization. (b) Honorary members of the Association shall be those retired members who have contributed outstanding service to, and wish to continue their affiliation with the Association. (c) Inactive members of the Association shall be those Active members who desire to relinquish their membership temporarily. Section 3 Active Memberships (a) Active members shall be enrolled in any of the sports which the FCOA promotes at the time of enrollment. These sports may be WIAA sponsored sports or organized club programs with rules and regulations in place. Section 4 Honorary Memberships (a) Honorary members must have made significant contributions to the advancement of the ideals of athletics. (b) Honorary members must be accepted by a majority vote of active members at the meeting that member is endorsed. (c) Honorary members are entitled to attend all meetings and social activities of the FCOA. (d) Honorary members are not allowed to vote in the affairs of the FCOA. (e) Honorary members are not required to pay dues. Section 5 Inactive Members (a) Members who wish to become inactive must submit that request to the Association Treasurer prior to the period to pay dues. (b) Members can stay inactive for a period of one (1) year. Section 6 Fees and Dues (a) Membership dues will be set by the Board of Directors at a meeting prior to the spring general business meeting. Notice of dues owed will be posted on the FCOA website. (b) Dues for President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Games Coordinator and Group Sports Chairman will be waived during their respective terms. (c) Dues will be collected in the spring by Treasurer. Dues can be paid starting March 1st until May 1st at which time unpaid members will then become inactive on website pending payment of dues This will synchronize with the WIAA license period. Section 7 Discipline of Members The Executive Board/Board of Directors may hand out discipline up to suspension to any member whose actions are unbecoming a member of the association. These actions may include bullying, intimidation, theft from the association, harassing or threatening another member or any action detrimental to the association. Expulsion or lifetime member bans must be voted on by the membership at a general or emergency business meeting. A two-thirds vote at the meeting is needed to approve these actions. If a member's WIAA license is suspended or revoked, his FCOA membership will be terminated automatically. Section 8 Grievance Policy (a) Members may file a grievance against any member or non-member in writing to the President and Vice President (b) All grievances must be signed and dated by the submitting member. (c) All grievances will be heard by the Executive Committee. ARTICLE II - OFFICERS Section 1 The Active members shall elect the following: (a) President (b) Vice-President (c) Recording Secretary (d) Treasurer (e) Games Coordinators for Basketball, Baseball/Softball, Football, and Volleyball. Section 2 Sports Groups of the FCOA shall: (a) elect its own chairperson at the Spring Business meeting each year. (b) hold at least three (3) meetings each year for the sport during the season that sport is in session. These meetings will be called and planned by the elected chairperson for that sport. Section 3 The Board Of Directors (a) shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and an active member of the FCOA as designated by the immediate four (4) officers which may include the immediate past President. (b) The Board of Directors shall meet a minimum of once per year prior to the spring General Meeting to discuss the budget of the Association, fees paid, agenda and any other issues related to the Association. (c) The Board of Directors shall make an active, concerted effort to locate appropriate officiating assignments for aspiring officials. (d) The Board of Directors has the responsibility to develop long-range goals of the FCOA and must ensure that efforts are made to accomplish those goals. (e) The Board of Directors shall act as the Nomination Committee for the election of officers. The nomination and election of officers shall take place at the spring General meeting every other year with the new officers will take office immediately after the Spring Business meeting. The outgoing board will assist the newly elected board in a transition period until July 1st. The outgoing board will be removed from Rschool assigning access and the bank account when the newly elected board is acclimated to their new positions or by July 1st. Section 4 The Executive Board (a) shall consist of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer,Games Coordinator, and current sports chairpersons of current FCOA sports, and an active member of the FCOA as designated by immediate four (4) officers. (b) The Executive Board will handle grievances or written complaints received by the President. The Executive Board shall recommend appropriate actions that the President shall take concerning complaints or grievances. (c) The Executive Board will actively seek to bring an intelligent awareness of the rules for the sports of the FCOA for officials, to be educated with any resources available for the Association. (d) A meeting of the Executive Board may be called by any member of the Board in writing to the President who then shall set a date and time for that meeting. Section 5 Eligibility to be President and Vice-President Only Active members who are in good standing and who hold a member classification in a sport affiliated with the FCOA are eligible for the offices of President and Vice-President. Section 6 Terms of Office (a) The President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Games Coordinator shall be elected to a term of not more than two (2) years. (b) The sports chairpersons for each respective sport shall be elected at the Spring Business meeting for that sport each year. Section 7 Vacancies (a) A vacancy in the office of President shall be filled immediately by the Vice-President. (b) Vacancies in the offices of Secretary, Treasurer and Vice-President shall be filled by election of the FCOA membership during the next General Meeting unless the President deems it necessary to call a special meeting to fill that position. (c) Vacancies due to resignations of a sports chairperson shall be filled by an election at that sports next meeting. (d) A member elected to fill a vacancy shall serve the unexpired term of the previous office holder. (e) A vacancy in the Games Coordinator position shall be filled by a special election called by the President of the FCOA. ARTICLE III OFFICERS DUTIES Section 1 The President shall: (a) Preside over, call, plan and conduct all regular and special meetings. (b) Be a member, ex officio, of all committees. (c) Appoint all committees not otherwise provided for elsewhere in this constitution. (d) Receive all written complaints. (e) Serve as head of the FCOA and represent it in all matters of interest and welfare. (f) Supervise all special and general elections. (g) Perform all other duties generally incidental to this office. (h) Preside over the annual banquet. (i) Be on the bank account. (j) Have Rschool assigning access. Section 2 The Vice-President shall: (a) Assist the President in such duties as the President shall assign. (b) Perform the duties of the President in the event of the President’s absence or disability. (c) Omitted by member vote and Amended at Fall Meeting 2022. (d) Accede to the office of President immediately when the President must vacate that position. (e) Assist the Secretary in planning Annual Banquet. (f) Be on the bank account. (g) Have Rschool assigning access. Section 3 The Secretary shall: (a) Record the attendance and minutes of all meetings, general or special, of the Association. (b) Set the date and plan the Annual Awards/ Appreciation Banquet with assistance from Vice-President. Section 4 The Treasurer shall: (a) Give a Treasurer’s report at each General Meeting. (b) Discharge all financial obligations as authorized by the FCOA. (c) Keep an accurate account of financial transactions involving accounts of the FCOA. (d) Maintain the Association checkbook and bank accounts in a manner consistent with standard, normal and customary accounting practices. (e) Maintain an accurate account of all dues paid by members of the FCOA. (f) Oversee the following spending practices by the FCOA, $1-$100 Treasurer discretion, $101- $500 Board of Directors/Executive Board , $501 and above Membership vote. Section 5 The Games Coordinator and Designated Assignor’s shall: (a) At the beginning of each sports assigning period they must provide a list of all games from contracted schools to the membership for transparency on the website or through email. (b)They shall assign games or contests from contracted schools to paid members only. (c) They shall oversee a draft , in person assigning meeting, or use an electronic availability form or survey to assign contests in every sport except football. Football is mainly assigned by crews. Contests must be assigned based on equity and the opportunity to work contests in everyone's appropriate WIAA level. The individual sport chairperson shall assist in this process. (d) If elected Games Coordinator designates assignor’s for any sport, those designated shall abide by the same rules as the Games Coordinator. (e) The Games Coordinator and Sports Chairperson may receive game assignments before each draft on a points system. The Games Coordinator shall receive 6 points per sport and the Sports Chairperson shall receive 2 points. Each point will count as one individual contest per person.If they choose to schedule a partner or partners with them on a contest they will use 2 or 3 points. (f) When each sports assigning draft/meeting has concluded all remaining games shall be available on the FCOA website for a period of two weeks for qualified members to request. All contests still unassigned after two weeks shall be made available to any qualified WIAA certified official outside the association. (g) Games Coordinator or designated assigner shall adhere to these guidelines or face possible membership suspension or removal from position. ARTICLE IV - MEETINGS Section 1 Business Meetings (a) There shall be four business meetings, one in the Summer, Fall, Winter and one in the Spring, which shall be classified as General Meetings with all members invited to discuss and vote on general business matters. The meeting will be called and planned by the President. (b) A special meeting may be called by the President upon written request to the President of five (5) members of the Association. (c) Each active member of the Association attending a meeting is entitled to one vote for any general business item at a General Meeting. (d) An excused active member of the Association may vote by written proxy submitted to the President in writing. ARTICLE V - ORDER OF BUSINESS DURING MEETINGS Section 1 Authority on Parliamentary Procedures (a) Robert’s Rules of Orders shall generally be used as the parliamentary guide. (b) The order of business during meetings shall be: Roll Call; reading of minutes of previous meeting; reports; unfinished business; new business; adjournment. (c) Election of officers will take place at the spring General Meeting every other year. A majority of those present and voting shall be required to decide all elections. ARTICLE VI - HALL OF FAME (a) The Hall of Fame was established in 1978 to honor those sports officials who are active or were active members of the FCOA and who have achieved officiating prominence through longevity and the ability to officiate at high levels of competition. (b) The President shall appoint a Chairperson of the Hall of Fame who shall hold that position until he or she resigns, retires or dies. (c) The Hall of Fame Selection Committee shall consist of at least five (5) members of the Association which includes the Chairperson of the Committee. (d) The Chairperson shall appoint (4) members for the Selection Committee from the Association membership and those persons shall hold their positions until they resign, retire or die. (e) The President of the Association may attend Hall of Fame selection meetings and may make suggestions but is not permitted to vote. (f) The Chairperson of the Hall of Fame Selection Committee shall call a meeting when it is necessary to select a member for induction into the Hall of Fame. (g) Members of the FCOA will be selected for induction into the Hall of Fame on a “point and time” system. That system will be set by the Selection Committee and will be made available to FCOA members upon request to Chairman. This system will be updated by the Committee as necessary to stay current with the expectations of the FCOA. (h) Candidates must be a member in good standing with a minimum of five(5) years of experience as a member of the FCOA and approved by a unanimous consent of the Hall of Fame Committee. All records shall be kept by the Chairman of the Committee. The Selection Committee reserves the right to induct members due to extenuating circumstances (e.g., medical reasons) but only by a unanimous vote. Induction ceremonies will be held at the Annual Banquet. (i) All records of FCOA members inducted into the Hall of Fame will be kept by the Hall of Fame Chairperson and made available to any active member upon written request. ARTICLE VII - CONTRIBUTORS & ATHLETIC DIRECTOR OF THE YEAR AWARD (a) The Contributors Award was established in 1994 to honor members and friends of the FCOA who have served the Association in well-defined capacities and who have made contributions toward improving the quality of sports officiating. (b) The Selection Committee for the Contributor’s Award, and Athletic Director of the Year shall consist of the current President and three (3) active FCOA members appointed by the President from current sports groups of the FCOA. All awards must be by a unanimous approval of the Selection Committee. (c) The Contributor’s Award is not related to the FCOA Hall of Fame nor to awards given to members officiating state or sectional games. (d) Nominees for the Contributor’s Award must have served in a well defined capacity in the Association, for example as an Association officer, Group Chairperson or a representative of the FCOA in promoting or working within the Association and having made contributions to improve the quality of sports officiating, mentoring or teaching young officials, be an active member of a WIAA committee, Wisconsin Officials Association or a member of the National Federation of State High Schools. (e) All records of Contributor’s Awards and Athletic Director of the Year will be kept by the Secretary. (f) Athletic Director of the Year Award shall go to any Athletic Director or Activities Director who has shown great character and aided officials in performing their responsibilities. ARTICLE VIII- ELECTRONIC POLICY (a) Any non-members need to get permission from the Board of Directors/Executive Board and Games Coordinator if they wish to publish game assignments on the FCOA website or FCOA social media platforms. (b) Members or non-members using social media, text messages, phone calls,videos, and emails to harass ,embarrass FCOA members are subject to suspension or expulsion from the association. ARTICLE IX - AMENDMENTS TO THE BYLAWS (a) All proposed amendments to the bylaws must be submitted, in writing, to the Secretary. (b) The Secretary shall record all proposed amendments to the bylaws. (c) The Secretary shall submit to the membership all proposed amendments to the bylaws at least one General Meeting prior to the following General Meeting or Special Meeting at which time action is to be taken on the amendment(s). (d) All proposed amendments to the bylaws shall be specifically stated in the agenda for the next General Meeting or special meeting when action is to be taken on the amendments(s) (e)A two-thirds favorable vote of active members attending the meeting shall be required to pass any amendment to the bylaws. Amended and approved Fall Meeting 2022 in regards to Vice President and President term of office. |